The story of this series takes place after the season 2 finale and before the season 3 of the TV series. According to Marc Guggenheim (Executive Producer) and Keto Shimizu (Executive Story Editor) some "Huge Secrets" will be revealed in this comic series.
The creators of S2.5 have said that this series will have 24 digital episodes (12 physical episodes) and each issue will be released biweekly.
Our intention is to release the Persian version shortly after the worldwide release of the English one.
The Nimbit Translation Team is responsible for translating the issue to Persian.
- The index view of the whole comic
- Separated view of each slide by tapping on the slide
- Zoom in of every separated slide by double tapping
- The slideshow of the whole comic
- Adding graphical Persian elements to make the series more excited for Persian viewers
First Episode: