21 days

21 days

Version 1.0.1
Install +5 K
Category Education
Size 57 MB
Last Update 2020 August 26
21 days

21 days

Pardis Group
Version 1.0.1
Install +5 K
Category Education
Size 57 MB
Last Update 2020 August 26
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The first 21-day mood transformation program with a voice instructor for free

Tired of the life you have?

Do you think that you deserve better than this?

its definitely true. We all want to have a better life, but why do only certain people succeed in making such a difference in their lives?

Why are there always so few successful and satisfied people in life?

Is it just luck?

In the 21-day application until the transformation, you can change for 21 days for free. In this program, there is one exercise for each day in which you must:

Read the description

Listen to the full instructor audio file

Do the exercises mentioned in the exercises section

This app is exactly for you to reach the best mental and intellectual condition, because 21 exercises by the great author Louis L. Hey, in the form of text and audio file, a trainer has been prepared for you, and you have to do an exercise every day to change.

Every day you have to go to an exercise and read the text of the explanation and exercise, and then listen to the instructor audio file at the top of each exercise page and do the exercises with him.

Remember that there should be no gap between exercises and do only one exercise every day to see its miraculous effect in your life and spirits after 21 days.

User Reviews - 16 Rates
3.6 from 5
دوستان این برنامه فایلها و تمرینات و داره بخاطر همین 57مگ حجم داره اما برای دسترسی به اونا و باز شدنشون به نت احتیاج داره، من که اینطوری راحت استفاده میکنم تمرین هاش هم از روز اول شروع میشه شاید شما روز صفر رو نگاه کردید🤷🏻‍♀️ اما ای کاش نت رو هم غیرفعال کنن کاملا آفلاین شه💛✨.
من یه هفته کاراشو انجام دادم و تاثیرشو دیدم. حتما نصب کنید
چرا در قسمت تمرینات هیچ تمرینی نیست فقط توضیحات هست ولی تمرین عملی نداره؟؟