

Version 2.1
1000 Tomans
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 971 KB
Last Update 2013 September 8


Version 2.1
1000 Tomans
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 971 KB
Last Update 2013 September 8
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More Info

One of the major problems of smart devices like phones and tablets are battery management.

so many applications got out which were mostly productive but the need for a Persian battery management app was always needed.

the application "باتری" has filled this need and gives persian users the ability to managing battery and getting information and also changing some settings in system in order to save battery.

from this point on with quick access like "ON/OFF" the Bluetooth or Wifi or any other things in your device.

The statical information of this productive application:
- displaying battery percentage in (Graphical/numeric) form
- checking your device's battery health
- displaying your device's battery temperature
- the ability to detect and showing type of device connectivity to powersource
- displaying abstract battery info
- displaying battery voltage
- display list of opened apps on your phone

The applicable features of this productive application:
- Turning ON/OFF Wifi
- Turning ON/OFF Bluetooth
- Turning ON/OFF Airplane Mode
- Turning ON/OFF Auto Sync
- Turning ON/OFF Mute
"tip: all these Turning ON/OFF features are in a simple beautiful and nice place"

The informative features of this productive application:
- different type of battery health and tips of battery health care
- info about battery temperature and suitable operational temperature
- info about how to connect device for charging purpose
- info about different kind of batteries and some description
- info about different battery voltage and appropriate voltage number

also in order to get this app forward, there is a section withing app where you can send us your review,bug report,etc.

if you want to you could also send us your email to this address: neemasakhtemani@gmail.com

Nima Sakhtemani

User Reviews - 19 Rates
3.3 from 5
سلام بازار برنامه خوبی بود اما؛به نظرت 1000 تومان کمی زیاد نیست واسه یه برنامه باتری!؟!؟ ای کاش حد اقل 500 تومان بود تا همه میگرفتنش...ممنون
amoo abbas
amoo abbas
سلام.خسته نباشید.برنامه خوبیه.انشالا که بهتر هم میشه
konartakhte.arc s مجید
konartakhte.arc s مجید
سال نو مبارک بازار کارت درسته برنامه عالی بود زنده باد کنارتخته فارس