BY installing this app in your mobile you can divert it's SMSs to your other mobiles.
Some main features:
- Auto app start only when is needed for diverting SMS.
- Validate new divert destination number by validation SMS for security.
- Filtering divert by sender phone number.
- Diverting (forwarding received SMSs) in real time to mobiles which their numbers are in “Destination”.
- Saving diverted SMSs in app with numbers which diverted to, date and time of diverting and delivery state for each number.
- Saving diverted SMSs in mobile or block to saving them in mobile.
- Ability to editing and forwarding diverted messages.
- Ability to disable app just with one button when your mobile is accessible and you don’t want to divert any SMSs.
- Ability to enable / disable app with SMS for when your phone is not accessible for you physically.
- English language support with english interface.