Circle of Chords

Circle of Chords

Version 1.17.2
Install +50
Category Education
Size 3 MB
Last Update 2017 January 9
Circle of Chords

Circle of Chords

Version 1.17.2
Install +50
Category Education
Size 3 MB
Last Update 2017 January 9
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More Info

---- Two Wheel modes ----
The wheel can be visualized in Major or Minor mode.

---- ChordWheel (circle of fifths) ----
- The red rectangle indicates the relative major.
- The blue rectangle indicates the root note. It changes when you selects the scale.
- The shadow hidden the all chords that are not availables for your selection.
- A signature of the scale is showed at the center of wheel.
- When the center of wheel is touched the selection are cleaned.

---- Transpose ----
Easy transposing. You can click on any area of the wheel, and it highlighted the possible chords.

---- Scales (modes) ----
Available scales:
- Ionian (Major)
- Aeolian (Minor)
- Dorian
- Phrygian
- Lydian
- Mixolydian
- Locrian

---- Chords ----
Many diatonic chords are available. You can press over the chord-results to change.

Available chords:
- Major
- Major 7th
- Major 9th
- Major 11th
- Major 13th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor
- Minor 7th
- Minor 9th
- Minor 11th
- Minor 6th
- Sus4
- 13
- Dim
- m7b5

---- Three result types ----
The chords can be visualized in keyboard or guitar or hybrid mode.

---- Customizable guitar views ----
The results in guitar mode can be customized.
- You can change the guitar-tuning using any templates or selecting the note for each string.
- Tuning-templates for guitar, ukelele, violin, viola and banjo are available.
- You can select the Left-handed mode to flip horizontally the results.

---- Sounds ----
The sound of chords can be played when you touch any chord.

---- Sharp(#) or Flat(♭) ----
You can view the results as sharp or flat or automatic mode.

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3.5 from 5
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