golden bank

golden bank

Version 2.1.1
In-app Purchases
Install +2 K
Category Tools
Size 7 MB
Last Update 2016 August 22
golden bank

golden bank

golden bank
Version 2.1.1
In-app Purchases
Install +2 K
Category Tools
Size 7 MB
Last Update 2016 August 22
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More Info

Response to a need
Golden Bank in order to complete your service to your guest has done extensive changes in your application can draw your consent

Golden database version 2 has three parts: Jobs, store and needy
Store :
The first is that you can walk in a mall the size of cities and from different stores in that visit, compare prices, and see pictures carefully, read it and even online shopping is not an accurate description , it is possible to have a job connected to the careers page:
Full description of the job, photo gallery, hours of operation, the discounts, the exact location of employment, and advanced search facilities based on proximity to you, and social networking pages link cable and Instagram and use the job ...

Golden bank information is complete and you have to complete the bank

Request information regularly.
You are considered to have special features: Ability to insert information and Nyazndyhay civilian job shop, car hire and used equipment online as well, having a dedicated Account to edit the minute, you'll have a store that surprise your customers updated with the changes it will showcase
You can find the climate of your city and the price of gold coins and currency as well as a moment to be heard

thanks to all of users who have supported us until the second version available.

User Reviews - 19 Rates
4.6 from 5
برنامه ای‌بسیار‌ خوب با امکانات عالی حتما به زودی‌ از برنامه های مشابه پیشی میگره 👌👌👌
خوشحالم ، ازینکه یه اتفاق خوب داره برای عرصه تجارت الکترونیکی و مجازی می افته. موفق باشید
نیما حسن زاده
نیما حسن زاده
این که بعد از نصب بالا نمیاد فقط لوگوتون نشون میده پنج دقیقه منتظر موندم نیومد چندباری هم امتحان کردم بازم لود نشد لطفا بررسی کنید